Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Island Ecology Course 2015

We have re-scheduled the Island Ecology course to run from the evening of December 28th through January 15th. If you are a student at Northern Marianas College, Guam Community College, or University of Guam, interested in learning more about natural resources, conservation, and ecology in the Mariana Islands, you should apply! Participants will spend the first week and a half on Saipan, with a day trip to Tinian, and then will spend the last half of the course on Guam. On each island, they will conduct a research project in small groups, and then will present their results in a symposium at the end of the course. The course is supported through a research grant from the National Science Foundation, so costs for travel between islands and for stays on islands away from a participant's home island will be covered. Stay tuned to this blog for information on how to apply. 

Observations from the field

When Kenji was in the field yesterday, he found this curious little caterpillar (or something?). He approached the nail with the tree tag, noticing a strange stick attached to the nail. He brushed it with his clipboard and it easily bent, and then returned to it's rigid position afterward. Cool huh? Any ideas on what it might be?