Thursday, May 31, 2018

Island Ecology update from Roseo Marquez

May 29th is day one on Guam for the Island ecology class after an intense week on Saipan. In Guam, it was good to finally met Ann Marie Gawel, the PhD candidate who is also the mentor for the ecology class snail team. The class received a very warmth welcoming orientation by Dr. Miller, Dr. Rogers, Ann Marie Gawel and Marie Auyong at the University of Guam. After touring the UOG facility, course participants went into their research groups for group update and planning for the week on Guam. Each research group also worked on writing up their research methodology with the guidance of the mentors.

In the Guam heat, the afternoon of May 29th, participants went out to Anao forest reserve for a forest walk. Participants were welcomed by Joe Tuquero of University of Guam Extension who led the forest walk. Anao forest reserve is approximately 500 acres making it the largest intact forest in the Mariana Islands. The participants ended the day with a group transect survey exercise in the forest. The forest walk was very educational for all the participants as we shared information around tree species, seed dispersal; ungulates influence on forest structure and finally snails.

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