Monday, May 1, 2023

Job announcement: Pollination Ecology Crew Leader

We are hiring a pollination ecology crew leader! In our pollination project, we are using multiple techniques to assemble plant-pollinator networks, including collecting pollen from birds, lizards, and insects and fecal samples from bats then using DNA metabarcoding to identify the plant species, collecting flowers and using metabarcoding to identify floral visitors, and observing pollination directly using visual surveys and camera traps. In addition, we are conducting pollination experiments to determine each plant species’ dependence on pollinators for seed set. Finally, we are working with local high schools on Guåhan, Luta, and Saipan through classroom presentations, field trips, after-school programs, and summer research experiences. 

The Pollination Ecology Crew Leader will be responsible for co-developing protocols, collecting field data, hiring and managing field staff, entering and managing data, overseeing our field infrastructure (houses, vehicles, etc.), and participating in or leading K-12 education activities. There will also be opportunities for participating in data analysis and manuscript writing.

See the jobs tab for more details. 

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